Saturday, 12 November 2011

ALERT !! Are you ready ??

Alert !!

People are going rapidly
new borns
Everybody !

Coming soon ....

a day
a moment
when we too will depart
From this world ..

This world will betray us
Our loved ones ,our close ones , our friends
they all gonna take us to a land ,
Destroyed land ,
where only dead lives ,
and they'll lovingly
throw us in a pit ,
only loneliness with us !!

And a day will come
Everything , every creature will end .
Then a new chapter gonna start,eternal,unending,everlasting ..
Are you ready??
If not you
should be ready
no options
no hiding
no concession
Repent for your sins
Turn to your Lord
Indeed Lord is Most Merciful

Friday, 11 November 2011

Lecture Of Moulana Syed Salman Hussaini Nadvi (DB) on the occation of republic day in Bombay For Free Download

Moulana Syed Salman Husaini Nadwi is a renowned Islamic scholar (Aalim), prolific orator (Khateeb), erudite author (Musannif) and selfless caller (Da'ee) to Islam. His work for the cause has been characterized by novelty and clarity of thought, and free from all types of narrow-mindedness and other such hindrances.

Lecture On Republic Day  - Bombay 2011

This is one of the best lectures i have ever come through . Moulana has clearly explained how western world tried and is trying to betray us from guidance and also he have explained about partition of country .  The actual topic of this lecture is The role of Ulema(Scholars) in freedom struggle , Which was delivered on 26 January 2011.

Click here to Download 

97:41 minutes (89.43 MB)



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