Dear Reader , Here we've gathered some really thought provoking and mind blowing Facts , In which i recommend you to go deep in !!
(1)The example of a
person who performs actions to show others is as that person who fills his
purse with stones instead of money. These will not help him at all. It will only make the
purse seem heavy to others, who will think that he is wealthy. In a similar
manner, the person (Who do, to show) will appear to be pious to others, but he
will receive no reward for his actions from Allah.
Ø (2)A saint once said
that a person's actions are worthless if he does seven things without doing
another seven.
These are:
1. He claims to fear Allah, yet he does
not abstain from sin. This claim is thus futile.
2. He aspires for reward from Allah, yet he does
not perform any good actions. (Although Allah can reward a person without good
actions, but Allah requires that he does good).
3. He desire to do good actions,
but he does not resolve to
do so.
4. He prays for something, yet
does not make an effort to acquire it. Only those who make an attempt will
receive the guidance to attain their objective.
Allah says, "We will certainly show
the ways to those who strive for Us."
5. He seeks forgiveness (with the
tongue) without being remorseful (within the heart).
6.Without internal reformation,
superficial actions are worthless.
7. Actions are wasted without
sincerity (irrespective of the quantity).
Ø (3)Hadhrat Zun Noon
Misri (A.R) was once asked how to recognize Allah's chosen and special
servants. He replied by saying that there were four traits by which they could
be recognized. These are:
1. He forsakes ease and comfort.
2. He spends from the little that is in his
3. He is content with his lowly status.
4. Praise and insult are the same to him.
Ø( 5
)Four signs of Riya are
1. being negligent of good actions
when in seclusion.
2. Performing good actions with
eagerness when in the public's eye.
3. Excelling in the performance of
those actions that attract praise.
4. Reducing the performance of those actions
that people frown at.
Ø (6)Three things that
protect our deeds
1. The realization that the inspiration to do a
good action is from Allah (this prevents pride and boastfulness).
2. To do every action for Allah's pleasure.
3. To seek recompense for every action
from Allah only.
Ø (6)A saint once advised
that sincerity should be learnt from a shepherd. When someone asked how this
was possible, he replied, "When the shepherd performs his salaah while
tending to his goats, the thought never crosses his mind that the goats will
praise him. In this manner, a person should carry out his acts of worship,being
undeterred by the praises and insults of people."
Ø ( 7)Conditions for
acceptance of Good deeds
1. Knowledge. (Only that action performed with
proper knowledge thereof will be accepted).
2. Intention. (Rasulullaah
(sallAllaahu-alaihi-wasallam) said that the basis of all actions are their
3. Patience. (Actions should be
performed calmly and all adversities encountered while performing a action
should be borne patiently).
4. Sincerity.
Ø (8)Someone once told
Hadhrat Shafeeq bin Ibraheem (R.A), "People call me a pious person. How
can piety be recognized?" The reply was, "It can be recognized by
three factors. These are:
1. Explain your inner condition to the
pious people. If they are satisfied, then you are pious, otherwise not.
2. Offer the world to your heart. If it refuses the world
then you are pious, otherwise not.
3. Offer death to yourself. If you
are pleased with it, then you are pious, otherwise not.
If a person has these three qualities,
he should thank Allah and display humility. He should then never allow
ostentation to infect his actions, for this will pour water over all that he
Ø (9)Allah causes a person
to be involved in three things when He intends to destroy him. These are:
1. Allah grants him knowledge without
the inspiration to practice thereupon.
2. Allah
allows him the company of the righteous,without the recognition o f t h e i r
status and appreciation of them.
3. Allah allows him to do good actions
without sincerity.
These are all a result of incorrect
intentions. I f a person acts with the correct intention, he will be practical
on his knowledge, will appreciate the company of the righteous and will perform
all actions with sincerity.
Ø (9)Hadhrat Abu Bakr
Waasiti (R.A) has mentioned that a good action is like fine glass. Just a
little heedlessness will cause it to shatter, whereafter it will be irrepairable.
In the same way, good actions are shattered by ostentation and boastfulness,
thus it will not accrue any reward.
Ø (10)Hadhrat Maymoon bin
Mahraan (R.A) reports from Rasulullaah (sallAllaahu-alaihi-wasallam) that five
things should be appreciated before five things.
1. Youth before old age
2. Health before illness.
3. Leisure time before becoming busy.
4. Wealth before poverty.
5. Life before death.
Ø( 11 )Rasulullaah
(sallAllaahu-alaihi-wasallam) has mentioned that the grave can either be a
garden of Jannah (for the true Mu'min) or a pit of Jahannam (for the sinner and
kaafir). Therefore, remember death often, which will destroy the carnal
Ø (12)Hadhrat Umar (R.A)
once asked Hadhrat Ka'b (R.A) to describe death. He said, "The similitude
of death is like a thorny tree that is entered into the stomach of a person.
The thorns then penetrate each and every vein and sinew of his. Then a strong
person pulls the tree out with such force that it emerges, ripping the flesh as it is drawn
out. This is the example of the throngs of death."
Ø (13 )A saint once said
that an intelligent person must never forget three things. These are:-
perishable nature of this world,
adversities from which man cannot be secure.
Ø (14)Only four persons
appreciate four things
1. Only an old man appreciates the value of
2. Only a person afflicted with a
calamity can truly appreciate being free of troubles.
3. Only the sick appreciate health.
4. Only the dead
appreciate life.
Ø (15)Hadhrat Shaqeeq bin Ibraheem
(R.A) said, "People say four things with their tongues, but their actions
contradict them.
person claims that he is Allaah's slave, yet they act as if they are the slaves
of none and that 'none' is their master.
say that Allah is the Sustainer, yet their hearts are not content without the
wealth of the world.
claim that the Aakhirat (Hereafter) is better than this world, yet they spend
day and night accumulating the things of this world and do not even distinguish
between halaal and haraam.
claim that death is certain yet they act like
who will never die."
Ø (16)Hadhrat Abu Dharr
(R.A) said "There are three things that astonish me so much that they make
me laugh, while another three things are so distressing that they make me cry.
The three things that cause me to
laugh in surprise are:
1. The person who aspires after the world when
death is on his heels.
2. The negligent person, when Qiyamah is before
him. (He believes in Qiyamah, yet does not prepare for death).
3. The person who laughs audaciously,
yet he does
not know whether Allaah is pleased
with him or
three things that are so distressing are:
1. Separation from my friends viz.
Rasulullaah (sall~llaahu-alaihi-wasallam) and the Sahabah (R.A).
3. Standing before Allah for
reckoning, when I
have no
idea whether I
will be
sent to Jannah or to Jahannam.
Ø (16)Rasulullaah (sallAllaahu-alaihi-wasallam)
has mentioned,
"If the animals knew what you
know of death, you will
never be blessed with the opportunity
of eating hearty
Ø (17)Hadhrat Haamid (R.A)
says that the person who abundantly remembers death will be honored with three
will quickly receive the inspiration to repent.
will be content with whatever he receives.
will be resolute in his worship
On the other hand, the person who does
forget death will suffer three punishments.
will not be inspired to repent quickly.
will not be content with what he has.
will be lazy to worship
Ø (18)When someone asked
Rasulullaah (sallAllaahu-alaihiwasallam) who the best person was, he replied, "The
one who has the best character." When it was asked as to who the most intelligent
person was, the reply was, "The person who remembers death the most and prepares
for it."
Ø (19)Faqih Abul Laith
Samarqandi (R.A) mentioned that carrying out four things and abstaining from
another four things will protect one from punishment in the grave.
four things to practice on are:-
with salaah,
of the Qur'aan,
of dhikr.
The four that have to be avoided
of trust,
of urine (from contaminating the body and clothes).
Ø (20)Standing by the side
of a graveyard, the great illuminary,
Hadhrat Muhammad bin Sammaak (R.A)
said, "The silence and equality of the graves should not deceive you.
There are many distressed and alarmed people therein, and there is a great
difference between all these graves. The intelligent person is he who prepared for
the grave before entering it."
Ø (21)Daily the earth makes
five announcements:
1. Oh Man! You walk on my back and will be
within my belly one day.
2. Oh Man! You eat various things on
my back and will be eaten by worms and insects in by belly.
3. Oh Man! You laugh while on my back.
Soon you will be crying within my belly.
4. Oh Man! You are happy on my back. Soon you
will be grieved when you enter my belly.
5. Oh Man! You perpetrate sins on my back and
soon will be punished in my belly.
Ø (22)Rasulullaah
(sallAllaahu-alaihi-wasallam) said, "The du'as of three people are never rejected.
They are:
just ruler,
fasting person when he terminates his fast, and
oppressed person. Their du'as are lifted above the clouds and Allah responds by
saying, 'I shall definitely
assist you even though it
may be
after some time."
Ø (23)Words of wisdom
1. Look at the rewards
to be attained in the Hereafter. It is foolish to be inclined towards the things
of the world and rely on them despite possessing proper knowledge.
2. Helplessness is not
to make an effort for actions despite possessing the knowledge of their rewards
in the Hereafter.
3. That person will attain
the comforts of Jannah who forsakes the comforts of this world. That person will
be wealthy in Jannah who forsakes this perishable world and is content with
just a little.
Ø (24)Hadhrat Ibraheem bin
Adham (R.A) once intended to use the public baths. The owner prevented him
saying,"You cannot enter without first paying the fee." Hearing this
Hadhrat Ibraheem (R.A) wept and said, "Oh Allaah! I am not allowed to
enter the house of shaytaan without paying a fee. Jannah is home of the Ambiyaa
(A.S) and the Siddiqeen. How can I enter it without a fee (i.e. without good actions)?"
Ø (25)Hadhrat Abu Haazim (R.A)
says, "If Jannah is attained by forsaking all the pleasures of the world,
then this is a cheap bargain. Similarly, it will also be a cheap bargain if one attains
salvation from Jahannam on account of enduring all types of difficulties.
Jannah can also be attained by forsaking a single pleasure from a thousand
pleasures and by enduring a single difficulty from a thousand difficulties. How
cheap is this bargain?"
SOURCE: Tambih Ul Gafileen (Admonition For Neglectful)
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